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2012-3-28 效率有待提高!

已有 494 次阅读2012-3-28 12:59

2012-3-24(周六):i was freed from work on Saturday, and i spent the whole morning  on studying BEC reading articles. I placed my emphasis on vocabulary and grammar, and the process gone slowly. I guess that is because my basic knowledge was not enough. Perhaps, i will do better in the near future. How to enhance my learning efficiency is the most important thing which I should to take into account.

And I need to review my past learning notes regularly.

2012-3-25 (周日)I got up early in the morning to take my training course at Foreign Language University. The whole day was arranged tight by our teacher.

2012-3-26(周一) & 2012-3-27(周二):

The common routine is wake up early in the morning, and then involved in my daily work all the whole day, and get off work as soon as the clock go over 5:30 pm. Back home, and start my study at about 20:30.

I always try my best to ensure my learning time, and in order to balance working and studying, I will rest at 23:40.





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