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热度 1已有 775 次阅读2011-3-26 01:14

I haven’t write any dairy about myself for about a year , I am going to make it today , and I am making it now!

I considered that if a master degree is necessary for me two years ago ! I didn’t want to be a member of masters when I was in grade one , but after watching a video called “Appointment with Lu Yu”, I decided what I would do next ! A girl who sticked to preparing to the master degree of Republican People University was deeply encouraged me , she was so brave and firm and persistent !

   I persisted on studying and taking every activity positively , but the rewarding wasn’t equaled .

I thought the reason why was that I couldn’t get help from others and those activities costed me a lot of time ! While I was not regret for it , losing what and getting what at the meanwhile!

   Those students who were preparing for a master degree like Tan Qian and Mou Li inspried me and they had given a lot of advises to me . Then I thought that the Republican People University was not fit for me , perhaps the University of Wuhan was better . I changed my mind and tended to the Wuhan University , was that everything going well , absolutely not , the examination paper of Wuhan University was inclined to discussion which was not my strength . Then Fudan University was the best choice for me because of the tendency of it examination papers .

   Why did I chose Fudan ?I have analysised it with the SWOTthen dicided Fudan as my chice !





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发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 yusongsen 2011-4-28 22:36
costed是错的  cost--cost---cost
回复 guo1314tao 2011-4-28 22:40

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