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已有 793 次阅读2011-3-27 00:58

I was deeply moved by my friends these days for senting me the best wishes for my birthday like messages , cards and emails in the way of electronic .

   Frankly I didn’t want others to know that my birthday is the day of March 26 ,also I havn’t planed to celebrate it because I need enough time to prepare for the master degree . But last night my mother made me a telephone call and said “happy birthday to you ” , I thanked her and I wanted to say “I apprecate you very much ” but I didn’t know why it had been blocked in my throat , I was moved by her but I am such a person who don’t know how to express the feelings . My father missed my phone and recalled me this morning , perhaps he forgot the birthday or too busy so that he didn’t say any world about it and then told me that he would hang off the phone if I had nothing serious , disappointed came from my mind and I recoginsed how deeply I loved my family at that moment .

   Last afternoon I played games with Yao Yanfei in the mountain of Fenghuang , we enjoyed ourselves very much and there were a lot of rewardings for us . I had chafing dish of scorpionfish at 968 with Jiang Wen as our supper , at Enshi Colleage we had discussed what can we do after we graduate and we both cosidered that prepare for a master is the most wisdom choice .

  March 26 , a fine day . A call made me up from Jin Huihui , she treated me and I sitted in the same seat . I was sorry for that the rewading for us after graduating after visiting an employment which were hosted by our school . In the evening , two friends told me that they wanted to have cake , what moved me was that they took a cake frome Quanjia shop , they had done everything for my birthday !

  I love my friends , I hope they will always be happy!





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