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The biggest enemy of life is the self!

热度 2已有 1071 次阅读2011-7-2 10:47

  I work in a primary school,  this semester is over,I busy in monitoring the final exams and marking the final-term test papers.The teachers are exchanged to do all these works.I go to Dong Zhuangpu primary school to do all these work, It takes nearly 40 minutes to get there.I am exhausted these days.I don't want to study any more.I find my weakness,I don't have strong will, I can't win myself.
    "Where there is a will,there's a way." The strong will can give you motivate power and passion to overcome difficulities.If you don't have strong will, you will find many excuses for your failure, you will find you have fell behind others. The reasons why the achievers succeed, no matter what conditions they are in,is that they have strong will to overcome every difficulties they face! But, at first, they must overcome themselves.
    Don't find excuses for your failure,find reasons from yourself, Because "The biggest enemy of life is the self!"If  you win yourself, you will win others.






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