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Mom, I love you~~

热度 13已有 1089 次阅读2012-1-16 15:20 |个人分类:日记

 Two months ago, mother telephoned me that she was ill, she can't eat. I think maybe there's something wrong with her stomach, I took her to hospital. On the examination, the doctor told me my mother got cancer.It's the most thrilling news for me.I can't accept it. Of a sudden my heart wrenched. But I must hide my feelings facing my mother.Striding serious step, I walk into inpatient department. hagged looking at my mother's face, my heart was filled with pain and self-accusation. Mother devotes her life to raise us. She was ill because of fatigue. I'm always busy with my pursuit of ideal. I seldom go home to take good care of my mother. I think nothing is important comparing with my mother's health. I asked for leave of two weeks to concentrate on the administration of my mother. The day when my mother was operated was just the day that I payed fee for graduate student entrance examination. I finished it in tears. Fortunately, my mother's operation was successful. Her life was prolonged. But the doctor told us she will live for about one and a half years. The cancer cannot be cured. She needs chemotherapy once a month. It will cost much money. I was poor, my salary was low, I feel I am incompetent. What I should do is that I must earn money as much as possible, and go home frequently.
I know I am a failure as a college student, I didn't get a good job, I didn't earn much money! I am not a good daughter, I didn't take good care of my mother. But I will try my best to be a good daughter. Parents are the most important people in my life. I will try my best to work, to study, to do things that make you happy. Mom, I love you so much, please don't leave!! My god, mother is such a good guy, why you let her get cancer? Why you want to take her? Tell me Why? ????Tell me how to save my mother????? I can't imagine the life without my mother. I feel powerless、despairing、painfull、helpless...
Mom, I love you forever!!






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回复 怀迎 2012-1-16 22:32
回复 奈小七 2012-1-17 13:30
I am so move because of your love!bestes wishes for your mother~~~~
回复 Starry9110 2012-1-17 17:05
You are a good daughter.Best wishes for you and your mother.
回复 0912gr 2012-1-17 22:01
I will pray for your mother
回复 aa459212535 2012-1-17 22:21
Because there are also something that we can't handle and good ones or loved ones that shouldn't have been treated like this,so hold on and taking as much time as you can to make her happy.
回复 pinhuacl1937 2012-1-18 12:51
回复 莪_/尒_旳 2012-1-18 21:07
回复 MingXing0107 2012-1-19 22:12
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-24 20:20
怀迎: 珍惜手里的时间,能做的是让遗憾少一点。这不是谁的错,这是命运。每个人都要面对的。守护天使会一直在。
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-26 11:16
Starry9110: You are a good daughter.Best wishes for you and your mother.
Thank you! Best wishes to you and your family!
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-26 11:21
Starry9110: You are a good daughter.Best wishes for you and your mother.
Thank you ~I didn't do it enough!
Best wishes to you and your family!
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-26 16:21
奈小七: I am so move because of your love!bestes wishes for your mother~~~~
Thank you~ Best wishes to you and your family~
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-26 16:25
aa459212535: Because there are also something that we can't handle and good ones or loved ones that shouldn't have been treated like this,so hold on and taking as  ...
You're right! I can't change the fact!!! Maybe this is the only thing I can do! Oncemother's happy, I will happy!
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-26 16:26
莪_/尒_旳: 祝福妈妈!多陪陪妈妈!
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-26 16:28
MingXing0107: 或许,你能做的就是陪伴。。。在有限的生命里,让她快乐的生活!祝福你们
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-26 16:29
0912gr: I will pray for your mother
Thank you~ You're very kind! Pray for you and your family~~
回复 追梦妞 2012-1-26 16:31
pinhuacl1937: 为你亲爱的妈妈祈福,愿妈妈能早日康复!

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