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已有 995 人来访过

  • 无权查看
  • love only belongs to those who are lucky or strong, but i am neither lucky nor strong. 回复
  • my ambition tonight is to kill all the mosquitoes in my room... 回复
  • there remain many things which I haven't done yet, many dreams to achieve, many stories to continue..... I pray to the god, blessing those who harbor dreams in heart. 回复
  • 话不投机三句多 回复
  • 加油,Alison,我知道有一种信念一直在支持着我。 回复
  • 在猛看外国教育史哦,还剩最后一本教育研究方法没看。你呢? 回复
  • I have to write a diary to earn K currency to download test paper from this forum..that's why i am so active.hehe... profit oriented me.. 回复
  • i know i must study, nothing is more important than familize myself with those major subjects, English ,yes, I love English, and i am never lack of confidence and failth in my English , though i belie 回复
  • Nothing is impossible for a willing heart, you can achieve as long as you dare to dream of it, cheer up ,guys, set your sail for your journey of life...never give up , we are together.. 回复


flow with my mind. 2010-08-08
life is as insipid as  distilled water ,I know a piece of sand was also insignificant and unknown to the public before it w ...
请忘记自己是个女人 2010-06-28
如果你是生在中国, 希望你家有权有势;   如果你家无权无势, 希望你家大富大贵;   如果你家不富不贵, 上帝保佑你是男人;   如果不幸 ...
diary 2010-06-25
I feel so happy to have a new honey to share current state of my life and study with, though she is my cyber friend,we have already become intimate f ...
i am nolstalgic again 2010-06-23
I still remember vividly the night i broke with with my EX, the hurting  and heart-spearing words which were a reflection of analysis ...
my feeling after doing some English reading 2010-06-15
OMG, I do feel English can't be ignored and treated it with less attention, though i have been feeling nice for my nice scores in the 120 passages of ...
diary 2010-06-12
Time flies like an arrow,, I am just like a frog under a well since i leave my previous job, now what i do everyday from dawn to dark is to  rea ...



wangyujuan0213 2011-7-8 10:56
紫电凌冥 2011-6-26 14:20
confidentalison: 嗨,江西老乡,如果你是宜春的,以后开学,我们可以一起去啊,萍乡离宜春很近啊。QQ 359301819
confidentalison 2011-6-25 12:52
睿牛牛 2011-6-25 12:18
雪舞银风 2011-6-14 21:25
confidentalison: 一个没有前途的教育学专业。。。你呢?
雪舞银风 2011-6-14 21:19
jeffxiang123 2011-6-5 19:03
confidentalison: 哦,葫芦娃是孔乙己的老乡。。。绍兴认识也。
suiqianying 2011-5-12 12:07
cheyi135 2011-4-28 07:42
姐,你的条件好像就是在说我唉!我的Q Q 444094414,加我吧,细聊
小恶魔1024 2011-4-27 22:38
akrmers 2011-4-27 22:31
jshg 2011-4-27 21:36
confidentalison 2011-4-27 21:11
黑杰克李 2011-4-27 21:10
confidentalison 2011-4-27 20:39
鸭梨. 2011-4-27 20:38
教育学   ^_^

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